The evening wasn't a starry night, as it ought to be in May. Instead, the sky was blanketed with a thin cloud and an incessant drizzle, dampening any joy that lingering guests harboured from the lawn party that day.... but not, of course, for the usual diehards, who would never let a wee drizzle and a chilly breeze stop any jollity, except.... something did.... leaving the residents of this quiet town, seven thousand feet above the sea, unravelling the mystery of a perplexing death.
Published 29 February 2024
T.S. Marni is a pseudonym for three sisters who grew up in Hong Kong, where they lived for some years in Buxey Lodge.
They frequently popped into the Beaconsfield post office and travelled past The Hermitage on their way to The Island School.
They have lived in India, the U.K. and the U.S.