This is an extraordinary, light-hearted book written by Gautam Nadkarni. Filled with a series of short stories -- or haibun as the genre is known in Japanese --set in India to make you laugh and smile. This book was created for those who enjoy a boost in the soul and makes you feel good after reading every chapter. Each of the wonderful drawings within, executed by the author himself, contain three-line poems called senryu in Japanese and are referred to as haiga in the language of the Orient. Once you are done reading it you will be over the moon that you did; this author has brought in elements that will educate you about the Indian lifestyle while you laugh and make you understand new information in a fun-filled way. This book brings about feelings of gratitude as you read about things we take for granted making you realize that we, as humans, take life way too seriously. These short stories have love, peace and happiness in them and they bring out the same in you as you read them. You will grow with the author throughout the book and your knowledge will grow too.
Published 31 August 2024