Publish with us



At Olympia Publishers we offer two types of publishing contracts:

1. Partnership contract

This offer is based on a contribution, to be paid by the author, to cover initial production and printing of the work.

2. Traditional contract

This is where no costs are incurred by the author and the whole cost for producing, publishing and marketing the work is covered by us.


Submit online

This is our preferred method click below to fill a quick and simple online submission form.

Submit online


Please include your name and book title in the subject of the email and send us the following:

1. A synopsis of the book
2. A covering letter
3. The full manuscript


We only accept manuscripts written in English language.

We do not accept academic or quote books.

Always use a font that is legible and easy to read. Garamond or Times New Roman are preferred, whereas fonts such as Comic Sans and Broadway are not encouraged.

We only accept submmisions by email or online submission form, in Microsoft Word or PDF.

The submissions review process varies and can take up to 6 weeks.

At Olympia we pride ourselves on our responsive nature. We confirm the receipt of all submissions and inform you of our decision regarding them. Please remain patient during the review process.


What genres do you accept?

We accept almost all genres apart from scientific or educational works.

Do we accept foreign language submissions?

We only accept submissions written in English. We do however accept submissions from all countries as long as they are written in English.

Do we need to double space?

Double spacing is not needed.

Is there a particular font and size I should use?

We do prefer to have all manuscripts written in Times New Roman, size 12.

How long does it take it hear back from us after submitting the manuscript?

It usually takes between 4-6 weeks to hear back from us. But this time scale can vary depending on how busy it is – for example, Christmas time is always very busy for us. Regardless of the outcome, we always respond.

Do you accept poetry?

We do indeed!

Can I come to your head office and meet with an editor?

Just as you wouldn’t walk into a doctors’ surgery and see a doctor without an appointment, the same works here. Please contact us to schedule a meeting.

When do we discuss rights, royalties, copies and covers?

Queries regarding royalties and rights will be answered by editorial team and accounts. The printed copies and cover questions will all be answered during the production stage.

Whom shall I contact during the submissions review process?

The submissions team will be looking over your book and deciding whether it would be a book we are willing to publish. We do often receive lots of emails asking for updates in our decision. Unfortunately, we can not hurry the review process. We do get back to every submission. Once you hear from us, you’re more than welcome to speak to the team member who has contacted you.

Do you accept submissions by post?

No we do not, so please do not post your manuscript to us. You can submit to us using our online submissions form or by emailing us at

Do I need an agent to send my manuscript?

No, you do not need an agent to submit to us. We treat authors and agents with the same respect.

Can I submit my manuscript again if I have been rejected once?

The work that was rejected can be submitted after one year – this is due to the ever-changing market. However, you’re more than welcome to submit a different piece of work to us.


Read the testimonials from our authors, their experience with Olympia Publishers and their publishing journey.